In The Studio: Talia Smith


“Shooting in Zoey’s studio welcomes an energy of spontaneity and free movement that easily, and almost obviously, translates into the shoots we do here. Working in a space dedicated to multimedia creation and open collaboration calls for an inherent embrace of experimentation. Shooting while we talk, talking while we shoot, breaking for a 20 minute cool down, regrouping and shooting again.

Collaborative and intimate physical shoots like these only feel reachable, for me, within space that outwardly holds and presents a physical energy of its own. For most of the time we spent on these photos, Zoey was in movement, as was I. The result is a series that demonstrates physical synchronicity and tension in a collaborative space—the dynamic created between me and the person in front of me while I shoot, the environment we’re in and how we’re positioning ourselves in it.

Utilizing LED-colored backlighting, we were able to accentuate the natural contours, shapes, and peaks that formed throughout the body in its constant state of physical shift.

As my frame shifted from full body to close-up, comparisons of an identifiable physical form fade to no more than deep shadows and green-saturated highlights. Unrest translated to lethargy, slowed rhythm, deep stretches, and softened bends—images that speak, quietly, to a moment of shared comfort.”

- Talia Smith // Photographer, Collective Member



A Focus on the Feminine Part 1: A Recap