A Year In Review

2024 at ZDS Creative’s Greenpoint studio was nothing short of special, hectic, memorable & an incredible amount of fun. From moving things around in our studio space (more times than we can count) to making large-scale art together, directing workshops lead by local artists, holding space for mediated conversations, hosting a music video release viewing, projecting our favorite movies and meeting new friends, hosting a photo book release party, and much, much more—needless to say, we’ve been quite busy.

The first six months of our studio space re-vamp was heavily focused on event hosting. We were more than happy to open up our space to new and old friends, and we’re more than lucky to have met the people who decided to stick around for all the changes that were to come throughout the calendar year. What began as fun workshops with artists like Lucas Oakley and Renacio Reyes, mini portrait sessions with Talia Smith or the series of jewelry making classes with Zoey Schorsch, sooned morphed back into the thing we started ZDS Creative for in the first place—a focus on creating and selling art by emerging artists who otherwise might not be able to get their work out into the world.

We began a string of pop-up art exhibitions in our studio, starting with a solo show by Talia Smith, followed by a retrospective on Shelley Schorsch, then a duo exhibition featuring Grace Mitzen & Tyler Gundrum, and ending off on a solo show featuring ZDS Founder/Director, Zoey Schorsch. Each pop-up gave a new breath of life to the studio space—a room that, by the end of the year, looked completely different almost every other week.

In an attempt to get us back to our roots and get us going on what we do best (spatial curation, creative direction, and most fun of all, being the hostesses with the mostess-es?) we will be turning our very loved and very used studio space at 67 West Street back into what it’s original purpose made it out to be—a makers space that centers creativity, free expression, and collaborative play. However, this doesn’t mean we’re done putting our art out into the world, selling or hosting pop-up shows… we’ll be doing all that and more from a new space.

More soon…. <3


Retail Space: Soft Opening


Opening Night Recap: SOMATO by Zoey Schorsch